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Like A Paradise
New Chapter (2019)
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 • Tuesday, September 10, 2019 • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum, Hi everyone.

I don't know if anybody ever read my blog anymore, but if you do, and you're someone I know in real life, please read this post until the end.

I'm Azyan. I know, I have never properly introduced myself. I'm a fresh graduate (currently) from a local university, Alhamdulillah I made it. I created this blog when I was fourteen, it used to be my medium to rant things from my heart, basically about my love life, school life, family and friends. It used to be my everything. I was really a kid who express herself through writing huh? Haha. Now, I barely check this blog of mine, probably because I am not the same kid anymore. But I suddenly remember about this blog, and I opened it 2 days ago. I literally read all of my drafted post, and I realized, I was not the innocent, sweet and kind kid I thought I was.

I was sassy, mean, egoistic, childish (obviously because I was a kid), any hurtful word you can think of. It took me long enough to open my eyes and see what type of kid I was. I only see others' wrongdoings, I never did see mine. I never want to admit my mistakes, I broke so many hearts, I shut people down if they are not up to my liking anymore. I thought I was cool when I did it. Truthfully, based on my posts, I knew that I was in the wrong side in every arguments, misunderstandings or breakups. I knew that the root cause came from me, but I was just too egoistic to admit them. I go hella long way to justify myself, which actually made me look silly, now when I read them.

So, here is what I want you to read. Me, Azyan, am apologizing to each and everyone of you who were mentioned in my blog, anonymously or with nicknames/names, for every single shade I have thrown to you guys. I was a kid, yes but it does not justify what I did. I grew up like that and it is never my parents' fault because all of my other siblings were fine. I guess, growing up with too much exposure of social medias got my attitude like that. Or else, it was just me. It was just my attitude that I'm still struggling to fix. Realizing all this at the age of 23 makes me feel, wow I have been living with my toxic self all this while. I pity and feel sorry to those who were in it, those who were trying to cope and keep up, you guys don't deserve being treated like that.

I am sorry, again.
Till we meet again,
Azyan, signing off.

xoxo, The Shining Star


Alhamdulillah. Starting a new journey.

The beginning of real adventure. In another words, life.
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my oppa

He kidnapped my heart. 사랑해 ♡

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