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Like A Paradise
no longer secured.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 • Wednesday, January 13, 2016 • 0 comments

The fact that this blog is no longer secure or safe for me to just pour out everything here is so annoying and making me feel mad. Yes, I know that this is a public blog. Everyone can read it. But IF I WANTED everyone to read his blog I would have put my link on my twitter, instagram and other social networks I own. But did I do that? NO. So obviously I only want certain people to read this, not just a whole bunch of people. It just doesn't feel right when someone read your belongings without asking for permission. To those who have my permission, you have nothing to worry.

Yes, I could have just write diary, right? Dear illegal people, I do own a diary. But diary is another thing. It holds a greater secret. This blog, is originally for things I feel. It's easy, I would just have to type and there I go. I even have a blogger app in my phone. I couldn't have bring my diary everywhere with me right? Like if I'm mad or sad or annoyed, do I need to go through my diary and write in it? Have some sense to it. I need my full privacy & mid-privacy.

Haih. It is just too late. If you think this post is directed to you, no offense please. I just have to express it. I am not good at compressing my feelings.

Till then, x

xoxo, The Shining Star


Alhamdulillah. Starting a new journey.

The beginning of real adventure. In another words, life.
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He kidnapped my heart. 사랑해 ♡

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