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Like A Paradise
Saturday, November 7, 2015 • Saturday, November 07, 2015 • 0 comments

From the day I start to learn how to love, I never did succeed with the guy I love. Akmal is the first one, and our relationship failed. Okay then, I moved on. Aman is the second, but I can't say we failed. We still do have the feelings for each other but, there are some circumstances that doesn't allow us to be together no matter how much I crave for him. The third one, azril. I don't know how to explain him since we broke up long time ago but I do have this soft spot for him in my heart. Idk if it's called love but my feelings for him exceed the term 'like'. So basically, even though I have so many boyfriends back then, or many guy friends now, I will always, always find my way back to these three, although not often. For akmal, its different now since I completely lost contact & I don't think I should be contacting him anymore, so he's out of the list. 

When people think that I'm an easy girl bcs I easily gets attracted to handsome guys, they actually hurt me. Yes, I go around flirting. Yes, I admit I adore good-looking guys. But hey I have a heart and it ain't that dirty & not everyone can be in it. So dear you, please don't act like a saint when I look at handsome guys bcs you're no better than me. At least I don't always tell the people I just met & know the stories I had with guys. Lol desperate.

Just feel like expressing my annoyance here. Sorry not sorry. 

xoxo, The Shining Star


Alhamdulillah. Starting a new journey.

The beginning of real adventure. In another words, life.
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He kidnapped my heart. 사랑해 ♡

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