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Like A Paradise
Thursday, June 25, 2015 • Thursday, June 25, 2015 • 0 comments

My life, isn't all about rainbows.

Truthfully, I ain't that kind. To those people who has just begun to know me, especially all the guys I'm beginning to know, please take note on that. If I say that, do believe. I'm not making up stories. I'm not gaining for sympathy. I'm telling you, now, bcs my bad behavior could show up anytime. By the time that happens, you won't be too shocked. And I won't get much hatred. 

I'm different, to guys and girls. You wanna know the real me? Find me when I'm with my bestfriend. You can't call that as hypocrite. Bcs the tendency for me to get comfy with girls is higher than guys. So it is only natural for me to act differently. Eg; the way I sit. I don't sit properly, tbh. I have some kind of habit like spreading my legs a bit, just a bit actually, while sitting on a chair, and that isn't a problem when I do it with girls. But when I do it in front of guys, idk how many guys has told me to sit properly, ha ha. It isn't a big deal, but yeah, guys don't like it, so I don't do it in front of them.

Another example; the way I act. This is, natural for most girls, I think? When I'm with girls, I'm like this, you know, carefree. I don't really care, I just go with whatever I think is okay, cool, funny. I'd laugh endlessly & I'm so active. Like singing loudly in car. Making pickuplines to them. Act like a shemale. You know, just to laugh with them. (P/s: this only applies to those who are close to me) But when I'm with guys, I become more aware of the situation. My body language becomes different. My behavior is still the same, but less active. It's like, they're men. I can't go around and just pinch their cheeks, poke their waist, or even squeeze their hands. And I'll behave. I'll act womanly. If you call that as hypocrite, can't help it then. 

The thing about you guys is, you see what you want to see. First impression on me, lets say you see I'm quiet. From there, you just concluded that I'm kind, well behaved, and all sorts of angelic stuffs. People, I'm quiet. Yes. To those people I don't really know. I'm not friendly. But time by time, if you keep talking to me, my awkwardness will gradually wash away. From there, only, you'll know the real me. 

Starting on that point, you can decide if you want to stay, or leave. 

xoxo, The Shining Star


Alhamdulillah. Starting a new journey.

The beginning of real adventure. In another words, life.
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