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Like A Paradise
Reunion (small)
Wednesday, May 20, 2015 • Wednesday, May 20, 2015 • 0 comments

May 19th. A date to remember.

Yesterday we had a little reunion, & the main goal is for all of us to have fun. It does't matter if we have a cheap hang out, as long as we're happy doing it. Before we went to angsana, Syamiera had a task which was picking up all the girls at home. And as we're about to pick up Teha, an accident happened. Syamiera hit the kangaroo bar of a lorry when she was reversing. It hits the left car. I wouldn't say its a minor thing since it's quite bad.... I think she needs more than RM500 to repair it. It was unintentional, but like the boys said, accidents and shit happens. But anyway, we just continued the program. 

Then we went to angsana to play bowling. I didn't want to play at first, but the boys said all have to take part. I was wearing a skirt for God sake -_- Well, you imagine it yourself. We played 3 sets of game. I won once. I didn't know I could play bowling that well. Lol. 

Thennn, we went to Taman Merdeka. The actual plan was to go to Hutan Bandar but it rained. So change of plan. Then a little act happen when Teha fainted. We climbed to the highest place haha the guy wants it, and Teha isn't that strong, you know. As soon as she gets to the top, she fainted and yeap, I'm used to it. Teha went to the same college as me and she fainted more than 10 times there. Uncountable times. She could even faint in the lecture hall. So I did the usual thing, and we waited like 10 minutes to wake her up. After that, the girls and Shaheer played tumbling tower wooden bock where the ones who makes the tower fall, gets to choose truth or dare. I was the first person crashing it down. It was expected afterall. I chose truth, of course. The guys was playing cards idk. Then all of us sit together and played truth or dare using bottle. Then it goes on and on until everyone gets to choose truth or dare. 

Lepas tu ada lagilah jadi tap aku dah terlalu malas nak cerita sampai tiba tiba type tukar bahasa ni.
Dah babai

xoxo, The Shining Star


Alhamdulillah. Starting a new journey.

The beginning of real adventure. In another words, life.
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