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Like A Paradise
Sunday, February 1, 2015 • Sunday, February 01, 2015 • 0 comments


Let me go straight to the stuffs I'd like to emphasize here, now.

First of all, matriculation isn't a waste. You people are sickly weird, don't you think? If matrics is a waste, what makes it any different than foundation and any other fast-track programme? Oh, maybe you had it in your mind that we're still not guaranteed to be accepted in any university once we finish matriculation. Let me tell you this, it doesn't matter where you come out from. If you don't do well in getting good CGPA, you still won't be getting the goals you dreamt of, unless you have low-quality goals, pardon me.

Not in my entire life had I compared people taking diploma, A-level, foundation, fast-track programmes, etc with one another. Like, "my mathematics are way harder than yours." and "Yours are way easire compared to us." Because I have a brother and sister who took foundation, also another sister taking diploma. I know their struggles, I see it with my own eyes. Nothing is easy to learn in this world. But it all depends on you yourself; if you want to make things go extraordinary, you gotta work excessively. But if you choose the otherwise, you may do it as you please. It is as simple as ABC. You determine your life. It's yours anyway. No one's going to live it for you (not if your life sucks).

Frankly, I'm grateful I took matriculation. I chose this path because I didn't get an offer to a university, I didn't have any other choices. What I had in mind was that, everyone, each of them keeps telling me that matrics life is hard. You wouldn't be able to bear it if you're not strong enough. But to hell the words go, I wasn't that strong but I became strong because I got into it. I struggle (when it's final) and I like the outcome I get for my final on semester 1. Now that I've experienced it myself, if someone asks me whether matriculation is hard, I'd say you'll never know until you try it yourself. I gotta say, here, we're still treated like a boarding school-kids. But it's heaven fun. I can assure you that. I'll leave it in another 2 months and half, and I already think that I'm going to miss it badly. Everythinv about matriculation. It's an experience you'll never taste. Once you step into university, no one is ever gonna treat you like how they did in matriculation and school. Not even lecturers, cleaner, security guards, the mart aunty, surrounding. 

I'm glad I'm still here. But not gonna deny that I'm still so eager at the thought of leaving it because I'm so tired of studying so many chapters in less than ) months. I gotta go puke now. 

Lol. Have a nice day. 

I'd like to apologize informally for using harsh words. Some people just need a harah wake up call.


xoxo, The Shining Star


Alhamdulillah. Starting a new journey.

The beginning of real adventure. In another words, life.
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