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Like A Paradise
Wednesday, February 25, 2015 • Wednesday, February 25, 2015 • 0 comments

Sometimes I really do regret whatever craps I typed & posted here. It is like telling the whole world about my feelings which actually isn't really the "whole world" bcs I bet nobody reads my blog but the possibility of people to suddenly found my blog & read it is very high too as my blog appears on Google when an individual search by my full name. Hence I feel like deleting the posts but to let go is hard. Whatever I posted here were all my true story and feelings. If you ask me I'd want to read it all over again when I'm married or when I have kids (if I have the time to) and! If you ask me truthfully I still read my previous posts from 2012 -2014 bcs I could barely move on. Haha sorry I'm so attached to my past bcs I had so many amazing people, I still have them now (not all) but they are not that amazing now though, bcs like I said we've all changed. We barely talk, we rarely have a convo, we all have our own priorities in life instead of just staying up late at night to do gossip, or to have lovely romantic talks. Haven't done that for quite a long time. But it's okay, since I also don't have time for all those things. I'm a realistic person sometimes which is right now I am, so I understand when people don't talk to me for a long time it is maybe bcs they're busy or simply doesn't want to talk to me anymore its okay I'm fine with that, totes. Bcs I also have people who I don't want to talk to anymore. Girl friends, mostly. I know how to differentiate my friends. If you talk bad of someone who are really close to you to me, there's no way of guaranteeing that you wouldn't be talking the same shit about me to other people. 

Talking about friends, well as I had shift to quite a different world which isn't school anymore, I realized that I have to change my mindsets. I have to be more mature. I think I did, not in terms of behavior bcs I still act like child & annoy people everytime, but the way I think about something, a situation or anything. I used to overthink about guys, I was so confused of which guy should I loved more or which guy treats me better or loved me more, but not anymore. Maybe I was so occupied with so many guys exchanging places in my heart thag I didn't realize that I could actually survive without having guys by my side. Now that I'm here I broke up I got turned down i was given fake hopes, I've actually stopped trying and just try to live normally. The same goes to some of my friends who used to have the same prob as me, I can see that they changed when they enter university. When all we talked about was prob with guys and love, now we only talk about how we have so many assignments, how we missed each other, and how our laughters rythms together. But sorry to say, some of ny friends who hasn't shifted to a diff surrounding and got too comfy with it, they didn't change. And as I heard, lately, they became worse. Idk what or who to blame, but surely they're fake. Why? Bcs they go around and tell how they missed us so bad & wanted to meet us but once we're there near them they don't even bother to ask us out. Like hello, I don't even want to go out if you don't ask me but could you not give me such craps as "I miss you"? It doesn't work that way anymore. You got it? Good.

Okay I didn't even planned to blabber about all these things lol I went too far okay sorry, bye till we meet again

xoxo, The Shining Star


Alhamdulillah. Starting a new journey.

The beginning of real adventure. In another words, life.
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