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Like A Paradise
Sunday, November 23, 2014 • Sunday, November 23, 2014 • 0 comments

Given the chance to live up to 18 years, of course there's only One that has let that be possible. Alhamdulillah. All praises to Allah.

Officially 18 today! What do I have in mind? Lets see.... 

I hope to always be surrounded by great people. To be better than what I've been for the past 17 years. To be so much more independent. To always be given hidayah. InsyaAllah to be able to celebrate my 19th. Also, to be given the chance to be a mother (oh if you want to puke pls do bcs I know it is still a long way to go).

It's kind if weird that I don't feel much excitement this year. I almost forgotten my own birthday. I only remember it when Ezza asked what is the date today and I was like, "23rd nov" and be like... Wait. Tomorrow is my birthday? Haha. I don't know if I only feel this bcs it's a part of becoming an adult (another way of saying that I'm matured lol) or is it bcs I'm not at home with my family.

Birthday wishes, I really don't mind if I receive little. But I do expect wish from certain people and when they don't, I take it to heart. Well I think everyone feel the same. Haha. But somehow I find it unfair for me to expect a wish from that particular someone when I myself didn't wish that person though I knows exactly when was the birth date. Ego stops everything you know.

Uh okay. Birthday is birthday but I still have class tomorrow. So lets hit the sack now. Thank you for all the wishes! 


xoxo, The Shining Star


Alhamdulillah. Starting a new journey.

The beginning of real adventure. In another words, life.
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